

SUNY 普拉茨堡 is, first and foremost, an institution of higher learning and teaching 致力于服务社会的需要. 我们的校园社区反映并且是一个 part of a society comprising all races, creeds, and social circumstances.

We embrace the principles of free speech, recognize the complexity of issues surrounding this topic, and believe they require careful and ongoing thought and attention as 一个社区. Importantly, we recognize that free speech rights come with responsibilities.

作为一个 public university, we are bound to uphold the First Amendment. 因此,可恨的, hurtful, upsetting, or offensive speech, including hate speech, is protected, provided that it does not cross the line into hate crimes, harassment, assault, or speech that is intended and likely to incite imminent violence or that constitutes a true threat.


However, the college understands systemic inequalities contribute to the marginalization of some members of our community, especially those who may feel they do not have the same privilege or opportunity as others to exercise their free speech rights. 作为一个 result, the college supports “more speech” as an appropriate response to such expression. Thus, the college encourages community members to speak out about speech they find 令人讨厌或讨厌.

Our community should expect campus leaders to exercise their own First Amendment Rights in responding to extreme speech acts, while recognizing that leadership cannot respond 一些人认为冒犯的言论. 这所大学重视不断增长的实践 awareness among students and faculty about the impact that words and expressions may have, so that we sustain a respectful 环境 for teaching and learning. 我们的支持 for free speech does not mean that the institution agrees with all views expressed 或者,学院为所有观点提供了道德上的平等.


We value the free expression of ideas, including the right of all views, popular and 不受欢迎,要发声. We are committed to free speech and acknowledge the responsibility 这是必然的. This is critical to our educational mission to prepare graduates 在民主社会中茁壮成长. 教育学生关于……是我们的责任 the fundamental importance of free expression and diverse views and their history 在美国. 这也是我们的使命,示范和教导文明和尊重 不同的观点.
