  • 研究生 Diversity Fellowship Program

    Annual Fellowship Application Deadline: February 15

  • 研究生 Diversity Fellowship Program

    Annual Fellowship Application Deadline: February 15

研究生 Diversity Fellowship Program

Fellowship Applications for 2024–25 are Now 开放

纽约州立大学普拉茨堡分校的毕业生多样性奖学金计划提供全额或部分奖学金 为克服不利条件取得成功的新研究生提供学费资助 并成功地通过他们的应用证明他们 will contribute to the diversity of their field of study.

奖学金资金由校园决定,并以年度可用资金为基础 来自纽约州. 受助人会在他们的大学账户中获得一笔学分,以及任何 超过大学费用的资金可用于其他教育费用,包括 books and supplies, room, meals, personal and transportation.

*这些奖励每年根据国家的资助水平而变化 纽约的.

Diversity Fellowship Recipients

与我们目前的多元化奖学金获得者见面,了解他们是谁 奖励对他们来说意味着.


领奖时,“感激”一词不足以表达我的感激之情 我觉得. More, I am appreciative and honored to receive such an award. 不仅如此 这个奖项让我避免了贷款导致负债,但它也带来了 me one step 关闭r to my goals. As a Pakistani Muslim that comes from a culture where 心理健康是被轻视的,这个奖将有助于我进一步的教育. In 让我不仅可以帮助不同的客户,尤其是那些相似的客户 在我的社区里,有着相似的宗教背景. 这真的是一种荣誉 我迫不及待地想在即将到来的秋天开始我的研究生学习. 不 我不仅期待扩展我的知识和技能,还希望建立联系 with both faculty and other pupils.”


我无法用语言来表达我对您颁发的奖学金的感激之情 me. 能得到你们的认可和支持,我感到荣幸和谦卑 given me towards my education.

“这项奖学金意味着我可以继续追求我的梦想和愿望 worrying too much about financial struggles. Your generosity has lifted a significant burden and I am grateful for this opportunity. The opportunity you have given me is more than the financial value of this scholarship. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication that 我有 put into my studies. You have recognized my efforts and have validated my determination, which is invaluable to me. 小时候被告知 我不会仅仅因为我的多样性、我的环境和我的父母而成功 not making it hindered me — but I did not let it stop me. 我用所有的仇恨 fuel my drive and succeed in what I am doing. Once again, I am truly blessed to have received this scholarship, and I cannot thank you enough. I promise to work hard towards 我的目标和充分利用您给我的机会.”


“获得研究生多样性奖学金是我的荣幸. 作为第一代 2010年从海地移民到美国,追求我的 master’s degree is a big deal and means a lot to me. My younger self would be so proud 我已经走了多远,取得了多少成就.

“获得这个奖学金是我努力工作和奉献精神的证明 into my education to get to this point. This fellowship is a testament to the person 我激励自己成为. To me that is becoming a speech-language pathologist. 我将 进入的领域只有不到4%的持证专业人士是黑人/非裔美国人 不到4%是男性. I hope to make a difference in this field by increasing , 4%. 语言病理学是一个服务于不同人群的领域 种族和民族,我们需要更多有执照的专业人士来反映整体情况 我们服务的人群. 我激励自己成为弱势群体的倡导者 and in the field in general.

“这项奖学金是我对未来的投资,不会被忽视. 我将 我还要感谢帮助过我的家人、朋友、老师和工作人员 me reach this point in my life. It really does take a village as I could have not done it without all the help and support. 我永远感激你.”

Saran Kaba

获得多元化奖学金对我来说是一个重大的荣誉. 这个奖项不是 不仅认可我的学术成就和潜力,也认可我的付出 促进我的语言病理学领域的多样性和包容性. As 作为一个弱势群体的一员,这个奖项对我来说意义非凡, 因为它既提供了经济支持,也验证了我的赌博澳门网站大全正规平台和观点. 有了这个奖学金,我很高兴能继续我的教育,并为 diversity of ideas and perspectives in my field. I am grateful for this opportunity 我将努力工作,回馈社区,充分利用这段时间.”


我非常感谢被授予多样性奖学金. 在年轻的时候,我 学会了独立,建立了良好的职业道德,为财务而奋斗 我自己的稳定. 继续深造并获得硕士学位对我来说很重要 in clinical mental 健康 counseling. The diversity fellowship will help me immensely as I achieve my personal and professional goals. Personally, I struggled with both mental 健康 and substance use throughout my life. This field often sees dual diagnosed 个人. 我很感激我现在有机会去帮助那些可能需要帮助的人 struggle with the same issues I did. 我将 be the first one in my family to obtain 硕士学位. This is both an extraordinary opportunity and gift for me.”


获得多元化奖学金是一种荣誉和祝福. 它允许 我想成为家里第一个攻读硕士学位的人,并且能够回馈社会 to my community in the capacity that I aspire. As a first generation student this 这个奖项减轻了我的一些经济负担,让我感到被重视和支持 获得硕士学位. 作为一个年轻的母亲,扮演一个角色对我来说非常重要 树立榜样,告诉大家只要有信念、勤奋和奉献,一切皆有可能. My 成为一名临床心理健康咨询师的梦想已经成为现实,而我不能 更加感恩. 我很高兴能给我的领域带来多样性,并改变人们的观点 of mental 健康 in the Latinx community. 不hing is more rewarding to me than helping 其他人则充分发挥了他们的潜力,我将永远感激这个机会.”


I want to start by saying Alhamdulillah! (赞美归于上帝)

“获得奖学金和多样性奖对我来说意味着整个世界. 没有 enough words to express how grateful I am. During the process of applying for this award, I doubted myself; but, every time I feel like I am not enough, 普拉茨堡 证明我错了. 我想感谢我在普拉茨堡的社区对我的信任 when I didn’t believe in myself. 谢谢你!, 普拉茨堡 for taking a chance on me and allowing me to be someone big and successful one day.

“获得这个奖项表明我被关注、被倾听、被接受. 来自于 一个非洲穆斯林家庭,父母都没有受过教育,你是 never really looked at so this means a lot to me. 普拉茨堡 has shown me that my 肤色、宗教信仰或社会地位并不能定义我的成功. 他们不断地 让我知道,任何人都值得投资,不管你是谁. 完成 我在普拉茨堡大学获得心理学学士学位是一种荣誉,现在我更加感激 to be able to obtain my master’s from 普拉茨堡. Again, I am extremely grateful 感谢给我这个机会,感谢每一个为我和我的教育投资的人 无论大或小,只要知道当我变得成功,你将是原因 为什么. 谢谢你!!”

